Sunday, April 8, 2012

Interactivity #5

The teacher I interviewed works in the Ridgefield School District as a music teacher for grades 10-12, but also works with the marching band that encompasses grades 8-12.  This teacher was not knowledgeable about the NETS-S or the NETS-T.

Initially, The teacher I interviewed was trying to figure out what the acronym stood for and almost made it, but didn't ever actually get it. He actually thought that the acronym stood for a type of standardized testing! His initial reaction to the standards was actually “understanding”. The teacher began to speak about how he did not know that these standards existed at all and wishes to know more. However, the teacher went on to explain that he implements some of these standards without really knowing what they are because he uses technology in his classroom frequently. >During the interview, I asked the teacher what would happen if he were to be handed the NETS-T or the NETS-S and if he would implement all those standards within the classroom.

The teacher replied: "Absolutely! I'm always looking for new ways to teach and for ways to improve my teaching. If I'm handed a list of standards I haven't seen before I'd use them in my classroom." That's when I told the teacher the main idea of each standard and asked him to reflect on whether or not he has seen it used throughout the school and/or the district. The teacher said yes, and began to speak about the smart-boards that he used within his classroom and how other teachers like to take their students to the computer lab and have them create things using computer programs on their own. However, because of the financial state of most of the families that come from this area, they cannot expect to assign homework that utilizes technology to this extent.

Another thing he added was that he would be able to teach his class without technology, but it wouldn't be as enjoyable for his students, and the assignments wouldn't go by as quickly. I was not surprised with any of this teacher's answers, but I was happy to find that despite not knowing what the specific and proper names of these standards were, he was still having the students compose music and creating and learning to be literate with technology via research projects and being able to evaluate what is useful and what is not about technology.

As a future educator, I would speak to others within my school by first getting in touch with the computer teachers within the district because I would like to get as much information as I could about implementing the use of technology and all of its possibilities. I would also insist on collaborating with teachers from other content-areas so that we could utilize the idea of collaboration and communication through technology. I would try and bring up the importance of not only utilizing technology to increase the fluidity of classroom time but also the practical uses for it!


  1. Janet,

    I think it's interesting that most of our teachers didn't know what NET-S and NET-T were, yet recognized them as technology standards similar to what standards their schools were using. Also, it's interesting and assuring to see that although your teacher is confident enough to teach without technologies, they recognize the importance of using them such as higher levels of engagement, more participation, students can relate and use technologies they use everyday but educationally, etc.

  2. Hi Janet! Although the teacher I interviewed does not use much technology in the classroom, I'm finding many teachers already cover these "NETS" without knowing they exist. Dr. Silverman and other music education professors have often said "if you're teaching properly, you will cover the NJ standards without looking them up." It makes me wonder if the standards are really necessary. If teachers were trained properly, would we need standards to guide them?
